The Traffic Sketchbook from Wees Wegwijs is the digital sketchbook for the training car. With the app, the driving instructor can quickly and clearly draw a traffic situation on a tablet or smartphone. The Traffic Sketchbook is suitable for all driving licenses.How should you use the Traffic Sketchbook?• Choose one of the basic traffic situations in the main menu (intersection, roundabout, exit...), or activate the interactive map.• Add traffic signs, road users and various objects (houses, trees, manhole covers) to that situation. In order not to waste time in the training car, some important traffic signs and objects automatically appear in certain traffic situations. There is a wide choice of situations (more than 25), traffic signs, road users (pedestrian, various motor vehicles and priority vehicles) and objects.Go to the “Settings” menu to select a default vehicle that will automatically appear in any traffic situation.• Drag the objects on the screen to the right place. By double tapping the object you can rotate the object (45 degrees each time). For example, to let a car drive in the other direction.• Draw on the traffic situation yourself (in different colors), for example arrows indicating the directions of travel. Of course you can also write on the screen.• Choose the blank screen (white or black) to draw a new traffic situation yourself.• Restore the traffic situation in one go or remove object by object.In short, the Traffic Sketchbook is easy to use thanks to its simple, intuitive operation and offers clear added value to the practical lesson.